It’s official! I have successfully installed a solar panel to the roof of my van, and now all of my gadgets and gizmos can run off the power of the sun.

This is not something I expected I would be able to get done so soon in the progression of my van lifestyle, but I was delightfully surprised by how economical it is to have a simple solar panel installed.

And now, with the solar installation completed, I am ready to move on from the Bay Area and resume my daily travels. Being in the Bay Area and working as a tour guide for the last three months has been an amazing experience, but as I mentioned in my last post, Hayduke and I are quite ready to get back into America’s more remote and rugged places.

Enjoy the video I made about my installation, and stay tuned for more van adventures coming soon! My next stop will be in Death Valley, followed by a return to Joshua Tree.

5 thoughts on “Hayduke goes solar!

  1. Congrats!

    I am still/again contemplating N. Dakota or Iowa for #NoDAPL, are either of those on your “might go” list?

    Life, John == “If you don’t like the news, go out and make some of your own.” — Wes Nisker now – Later this year, also 97.3 FM Eugene’s Homegrown Community Radio


  2. Faith-

    My son and his girlfriend are getting ready for a van/climbing road trip. I was searching for stuff about converting vans to help them out and came across your videos on YouTube. I am enjoying your videos and now your blog.

    You have probably done this but if not, please get a carbon monoxide detector for your van. They are a bit expensive but really important.

    Take care,


    1. Thanks Dan! Glad you’re finding my stuff useful. Give your son and his girlfriend my best wishes. The next time I am in civilization I would like to get a carbon monoxide detector and a fire extinguisher. I am currently holed up in Death Valley with mechanical issues though, so it will have to wait.


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